One Plus 10 Pro
Specifications The mobile is expected to be launched in the end of March 2021 in India. It comes with a 6.70-inch display with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor based on 5G technology. The RAM size is 8 GB with a storage capacity of 128 GB . This mobile has an OS version as Android 12 , which is the very latest version installed. It is coming with a battery capacity of 5000 mAh . The resolution comprises 1440x3216 pixels , which is a very large ratio. Now, the very most important specification which everyone waits for is how is the camera of any mobile. Well, the Front Camera of the One Plus 10 Pro is coming with 32-megapixel and there are 3 Rear Cameras , with 48-megapixel + 50-megapixel + 8-megapixel . The price for the One Plus 10 Pro is not decided yet, but the discussion going on says that this smartphone will come into the market at a very affordable rate.