
Augmented Reality (AR)

We are already experiencing AR on some of our smartphone apps like Wikitude and Drodishooting, but they are pretty much at their elementary stages of development. AR is getting the biggest boost in awareness via the upcoming Google’s Project Glass, a pair of wearable eyeglasses that allows one to see virtual extensions of reality that you can interact with. Here’s an awesome demo of what to expect.


AR can be on anything other than glasses, so long as the device is able to interact with a real-world environment in real-time. Picture a piece of see-through device which you can hold over objects, buildings and your surroundings to give you useful information. For example, when you come across a foreign signboard, you can look through the glass device to see them translated for your easy reading.

AR can also make use of your natural environment to create mobile user interfaces where you can interact with by projecting displays onto walls and even your own hands.


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